...that's Search. Engine. Optimisation
The importance of sound Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) - particularly in respect of commerce websites - cannot be overstated.
It is this optimisation (or coding and content of your website) which will determine if the site appears on page eleven, page two, or page one of Google.
Is there any need to dwell on the relative benefits to any commercial website of appearing on page one (as opposed to page two) of Google, Ask, Yahoo or Bing?
No. Only to state that your website appearing on page one of Google is going to attract a far greater volume of interest than your competitor's website tucked away on page two or page twelve.
If you have a website which is showing feeble, or zero prominence in search engines results - Martin can help - and this is an invitation to exploit his SEO skills.
For just £125.00 Martin will optimise your vanity (personal) website and for £195.00 he will optimise your commercial website. In either case, this will see your website featured on page one of Google search results less than one month from today.
Contact Martin with your requirements!